Professional of the Year Awards Banquet

This annual awards banquet provides an opportunity for member societies to recognize publicly the exceptional professionalism and achievements of two of their members by selecting them for their Professional of the Year Award and the Young Professional of the Year Award. A HATS Selection Board then selects one society professional from from each category for special recognition.

The Joseph P. Moquin Award is given to the HATS Professional of the Year.

The Bill Roark Award is given to the HATS Young Professional of the Year.

The Society of the Year is given to the HATS member Society of the Year

Each Member Organization also submits a nomination for the HATS Society of the Year (SOY), and the Selection Committee selects one of the Societies as the recipient of the HATS SOY Award.

Information on Previous Banquets:

query($sql); while ($year = $years->fetch_assoc()) { extract($year); echo ""; } ?>

time()) { ?>

POY Banquet

This year's POY Banquet is scheduled for .

strtotime('now')) { $year = substr($Nomination_Deadline, 0, 4); $filename1 = "/blogfiles/poy$year/Professional of the Year (POY) Nomination Form.docx"; $filename2 = "/blogfiles/poy$year/Young Professional of the Year (YPOY) Nomination Form.docx"; $filename3 = "/blogfiles/poy$year/Society of the Year (SOY) Nomination Form.docx"; if (file_exists($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $filename1) || file_exists($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $filename2) || file_exists($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . $filename3)) { ?>

Nominations for POY, YPOY, and SOY

HATS is accepting nominations for this year's Jospeh Moqiun award. The deadline for submitting your nomination is .

Or you can download the following nomination forms and follow the instructions contained in the forms.

Professional of the Year (POY) Nomination Form ( )

Young Professional of the Year (POY) Nomination Form ( )

Professional of the Year (POY) Nomination Form ( )