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STEDTRAIN Proposals Season Ends

The Science and Technology EDucation and TRAINing (STEDTRAIN) Committee is no longer accepting proposals for the 2022-23 school year. Principals have until midnight on April 3, 2022 to approve the proposals submitted by teachers. Teachers and principals have until April 15, 2022 to notify the STEDTRAIN Committee of an problems that need to be addressed.

The STEDTRAIN Committee received 17 Seed Grant proposals for the 2022-23 school year, totaling more than $40,000 (if we could fund them all). These educators impressed us with their interest and dedication to their students and STEM-focused classroom projects. We thank these educators who made time in their busy schedules to develop and submit their Seed Grant proposals.

The long-term winners of these STEDTRAIN grants are the area students who participate in these innovative STEM Seed Grant programs. These students will likely be our future scientists, engineers, and technical professionals.